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Article du GDR

Cytomegalovirus infection of the fetal brain: intake of aspirin during pregnancy blunts neurodevelopmental pathogenesis in the offspring

Sarah Tarhini, Carla Crespo‑Quiles, Emmanuelle Buhler, Louison Pineau, Emilie Pallesi‑Pocachard,
Solène Villain, Saswati Saha, Lucas Silvagnoli, Thomas Stamminger, Hervé Luche, Carlos Cardoso,
Jean‑Paul Pais de Barros, Nail Burnashev, Pierre Szepetowski* and Sylvian Bauer*

Lien pour voir l'intégralité de l'article :



Résumé de l'article

GDR's Annual Meeting in Sète - Final program

October 7th to 8th 2024

Le LAZARET, Sète France

Registrations are closed




CALL FOR APPLICATION INSERM CHAIR Recruitment Neural regulation of immunity

The Inserm chair recruitments opened to Inserm are intended for researchers with strong potential to manage and lead research teams and participate in national, European or international projects.
This recruitment, based on research and teaching projects, is aimed at researchers with a doctorate or equivalent and a first post-doctoral experience. The position is offered on a fixed-term contract (CDD) with a view to tenure in the Inserm Research Directors personnel at the end of the contract.
Application on EVA:

Summuray of the research project: Pain is one of the major signs of inflammation. Following injury or infection, inflammatory mediators activate nociceptive sensory neurons in tissues. These neurons transmit the signal to the brain, eliciting pain. They also release a number of mediators directly at the site of injury, modulating local immune responses. The laboratory of Sophie Ugolini at the CIML, in collaboration with the laboratory of Aziz Moqrich at IBDM (also located in the Luminy campus) recently demonstrated a key role for subsets of sensory neurons in limiting inflammation and promoting macrophage tissue-repair functions. However, the precise mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. The goal of this project is to decipher the role of the nervous system in the regulation of host immune, inflammatory and pro-repair responses, from the molecular to the systemic level. The host laboratory tackle these questions by studying genetically modified mice with ablations, activations or functional inactivations of particular subsets of neurons. These questions are being addressed in models of viral infection, tissue injury and cancer. The scientific strategy is based on a holistic approach based on the analyses of both local neuro-immune interactions in tissues, and of systemic regulation. Indeed, pain perception and inflammatory processes also activate a stress response in the central nervous system. This project will, therefore, analyze the modulation of immune responses by local and systemic neuroendocrine pathways. The potential therapeutic value of the findings for treating inflammatory diseases and cancer will be also explored.

Chaire de professeur Junior - Neurobiologie de la Perception Sensorielle des Aliments H/F

Résumé du projet scientifique

Le projet scientifique de cette CPJ vise à renforcer la position de leadership de l’UMR CSGA dans le domaine scientifique central et très identitaire de l’unité qui concerne l’étude des déterminants sensoriels des comportements alimentaires et de leur impact sur la santé humaine.
Le projet pourra aborder les mécanismes sensoriels à l’échelle moléculaire (par exemple à l’échelle des récepteurs) ou les aspects cellulaires et neuraux impliqués dans la perception sensorielle et les représentations mentales associées, en lien avec l’environnement olfactif, gustatif et nutritionnel, ou de l’organisme entier. Il pourra aussi concerner les déterminants cognitifs du comportement alimentaire ainsi que la modification des représentations mentales lorsque plusieurs modalités sensorielles sont combinées. Le projet pourra prendre en compte la question des populations spécifiques (nourrisson, enfant, personne âgée) dans un décours développemental et de vieillissement y compris pathologique (anorexie, obésité, diabètes et maladies neurodégénératives), ainsi que les expositions et expériences alimentaires. Le projet pourra impliquer des études sur des modèles animaux tels que les rongeurs ou la drosophile. Il pourra s’appuyer sur une approche pluridisciplinaire et à visée translationnelle.

Résumé du projet d'enseignement

Le projet d’enseignement s’inscrit dans deux des quatre axes régionaux (systèmes alimentaires et l'utilisation des ressources durables ; innovation et la remédiation des socio-écosystèmes dans le contexte du changement global) qui regroupent les écoles doctorales et masters, dont un master international (P2FOOD). Les enseignements du Professeur Junior s’inscriront dans cet écosystème où il/elle interviendra (28 heures CM ou 42 heures TD/TP) et ou il/elle pourra recruter des étudiants dans les masters SCM (Signalisation Cellulaire et Moléculaire, option « Neurosignalisation ») et l’alliance européenne FORTHEM. Les formations spécialisées en neurosciences sont pilotées par des Professeurs de l’Université de Bourgogne rattachés à l’UMR CSGA. De plus, il/elle bénéficiera également de l’environnement offert par le master d’Institut Agro Dijon (spécialisation « Nutrisensas »). Il/elle encadrera des doctorants inscrits à l’école doctorale E2S (Environnement et Santé) et présentera son HDR dans cette même école doctorale, dans le cas où la personne recrutée n’aurait pas encore ce diplôme.

Voir le profil complet du poste

2-year Post Doc position @ Institut de la Vision

A two year (one year renewable) postdoctoral position is available at the Institut de la Vision (IDV) for a highly motivated PhD. The project will decipher the mechanisms involved in autoimmune response in a retinal pathology, Uveitis, with a focus on the role of purinergic receptors. In addition, the efficacy of a therapeutic approach using AAV vectors coding for specific nanobodies to modify the disease course will be evaluated in the mouse model of uveitis.

Financement ERANET-NEURON du GDR

JTC2023 - Resilience: IBRAA
Inflamed Brain Response in Alcohol Addiction: Understanding the role of neuroinflammation, immunotypes and gut-brain reactivity for heterogeneity in disease course and therapy response

Post-doc Position (M/F) – Gene Therapy through Transcriptome Editing

The Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases at CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses is seeking a Post-Doc.

As part of a project funded by the PEPR Biotherapy and Bioproduction of Innovative Therapies, we are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to implement a transcriptome editing strategy for genetically originated neurodegenerative diseases. We have previously demonstrated the potential of this technology in diverse pathological contexts.

Closure of the 2023 GDR's workshop

This thrilling week of workshop sessions is coming to an end. Congratulations to all the participants, and a big thank you to Bordeaux Neuroschool for hosting us. You all rocked!

image gauche



Annual meeting- Club Français Neuroimmunologie

23-24 Mai 2024 at ICM Paris


Plenary speaker: Aleksandra Deczkowska , Institut Pasteur (FR)
Neuroimmunological aspects of neurodegenerative diseases
Plenary speaker: Michael Heneka, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LUX)
Neuroimmunological aspects of multiple sclerosis
Plenary speaker: Robin Franklin, Altos Labs - Cambridge lnstitute of Science (UK)
Nervous system infections
Plenary Speaker: Jasmine Herz , Department of Pathology & lmmunology, Washington university (US)
Neuroimmune interactions in brain tumors
Plenary speaker: Maria Castro, University of Michigan Medical School (US)
Peripheral Immune Cross talk
Plenary speaker : Nicolas Gaudenzio, lnstitutToulousain des Maladies Infectieuses et Inflammatoires (FR)



Assistant-e ingénieur-e en biologie animale

Un poste assistant-e ingénieur-e en biologie animale de 18 mois est à pourvoir à partir du 1er
Septembre 2023 dans l'équipe de recherche de Juliette Van Steenwinckel et Pierre
Gressens "Rôle des microglies et stratégies de neuroprotection dans l’atteinte du cerveau en
période néonatale" de l’unité NeuroDiderot-UMR1141. Ce poste est financé par une
subvention de la Fondation pour la Recherche sur le cerveau (FRC).
Nous recherchons un(e) assistant-e ingénieur-e en biologie animale pour adapter et mettre
en oeuvre des procédures expérimentales sur l'animal. L’objectif du projet de recherche est
de mettre en évidence la mise en place de troubles métaboliques à la suite à un traumatisme
crânien pédiatrique (TCp). Une double compétence en expérimentation animale et en
histologie serait appréciée. Une première expérience dans le domaine de l’expérimentation
animale serait appréciée.

"Neuroimmunity, Development & Psychiatry" International Symposium

We are delighted to invite you to our "Neuroimmunity, Development & Psychiatry" International Symposium!

Friday, October 6 at 9:30AM

Recent findings show that the interaction of immune genes and environmental factors influencing immunity, such as infections and stress, shape the establishment of neuronal circuits (proliferation, migration, synaptogenesis) but also in the control of their refinement and plasticity at postnatal stages. 
Disruptions in these interactions between immunity and brain during development have a major impact on the occurrence of psychiatric diseases: for example, consistent epidemiological studies have identified prenatal exposure to infection as a risk factor for a range of mental disorders, including autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia.

The colloquium will gather top scientists investigating these questions from different angles, to present the most recent and significant findings on the links between immunity, brain development and psychiatric pathologies.

Time has also been prioritized for poster presentations and discussion.

Consult the program, submit your posters and find all the information you may need on our website
Participation is free but registration is mandatory!

We look forward to seeing you there. Note the date and spread the word!



Ingénieur(e) en bioinformatique

Un poste de bioinformaticien(ne) de 18 mois est à pourvoir à partir du 1er Septembre 2023 dans l'équipe de recherche de Juliette Van Steenwinckel et Pierre Gressens "Rôle des microglies et stratégies de neuroprotection dans l’atteinte du cerveau en période néonatale" de l’unité NeuroDiderot-UMR1141. Ce poste est financé par une subvention de l’Agence Nationale pour la Recherche.
Nous recherchons un(e) ingénieur(e) en bioinformatique pour analyser des données omiques multidimensionnelles issues de séquençages à haut débit (NGS) afin d’étudier le rôle des cellules gliales et neuronale dans les conséquences au long terme de l’Encéphalopathie du prématuré. L’objectif est de mettre en évidence de nouvelles cibles de neuroprotection et
prévenir l’émergence de Troubles du Neurodéveloppement (TND). Une double compétence en bioinformatique et en biologie serait appréciée. Des compétences en programmation (R,
Python et/ou Bash) sont importantes. Une première expérience dans le traitement et l'analyse de données omiques serait appréciée. Le(a) candidat(e) doit être très motivé(e) et posséder de solides compétences analytiques pour participer à différents projets de l’équipe en utilisant des ensembles de données omiques, tout en travaillant dans un environnement multidisciplinaire et collaboratif très dynamique.

Article du GDR

Serotonin sensing by microglia conditions the proper development of neuronal circuits and of social and adaptive skills

Molecular Psychiatry
Giulia Albertini, Ivana D'Andrea, Mélanie Druart, Catherine Béchade, Nayadoleni Nieves-Riveira, Fanny Etienne, Corentin Le Magueresse, Alexandra Rebsam, Nicolas Heck, Luc Maroteaux, Anne Roumier.
DOI 10.1038/s41380-023-02048-5

Lien pour voir l'intégralité de l'article (mais non téléchargeable) :



Résumé de l'article

2-year Post Doc position INRAE Bordeaux

NutriMind Team, NutriNeuro INRAE Bordeaux University is seeking a Post-Doc

The project aims to understand how early-life exposure to a diet poor in n-3
polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) contributes to mood and cognitive disorders later in
life. Specifically, we aim to elucidate the cellular, molecular and circuit basis of
hippocampal and accumbal dysfunction in the animal model of lipid metabolic shift.

Job position CHU Rennes

Pôle Biologie, Département Recherche Translationnelle, UF SITI recherche Ingénieur(e) en Biologie


Job position CHU Rennes

Conference on Microglia and Neuroinflammation at Clare College, University of Cambridge, 18-20 September 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

  We are organising a conference on ‘Microglia and Neuroinflammation’ in Cambridge, 18-20 September 2023.

And we would be delighted if you would participate.

  The conference will be located at Clare College Cambridge (founded in 1326)

which is part of the University of Cambridge (founded in 1209).

The conference is funded and organised by the UK Biochemical Society and others.

The conference is limited to 150 participants in Cambridge, but it will have capacity for more online.

There will be about 32 speakers over 3 days, plus posters, discussion and career sessions, dinners, walks, talks and entertainments!

There are plenty of available speaker or poster slots, selected from abstracts.


For more information, registration and abstract submission, see

Registration fees range from £105 to £359 (€120 to €410).

We really hope you can come.

Best wishes

Guy Brown, Jake Dundee & Jennifer Pocock


University of Cambridge & University College London




Job position

Inrae Bordeaux is seeking a Engineer  F/M in Cellular and molecular biology


Job position INRAE

Women in STEM: Microglia Panel

Online event organized by Boston University (org: Dr Tuan Leng Tay), notably for students, postdocs, early career researchers of all gender identity and academic interests: « Women in STEM – microglia panel », on the 22nd of March

Free registration here :

“This Women's History Month [at Boston University], we feature 4 women scientists of diverse cultural origins in the field of microglia who are at different stages of their careers, as well as balancing work, family, hobbies, cultural or geographical adaptations, and other challenges. Our speakers perform cutting edge work and have made significant contributions to our field as early career researchers (ECRs). Following their scientific talks, a roundtable session (and Zoom breakout room) of Q&A with pre-submitted and live questions to talk about their approaches to success in STEM fields, and to normalise diversity, having children, etc. will take place during the reception. Students, postdocs and ECRs of all backgrounds* are highly encouraged to join our discussions!!

*Everyone (i.e., all gender identities and academic interests) is invited.”


Women in STEM March

Revue sur la nomenclature des différents états de la microglie

"Community article" qui fait le point sur les façons de nommer et différencier les microglies dans tous leurs états.




FENS-Hertie Winter School: “Neuro-immune interactions in health and disease”

Mutual interaction between the nervous and immune systems is emerging as a key process in which immune cells and neurons profoundly influence each other’s behavior. In the last years a wealth of studies started to uncover roles for innate and adaptive immunity in both brain physiology and pathology and to unravel how the brain can modulate the immune system. Accumulating evidence even shows that disrupted neuro-immune communication might be at the origin of many brain diseases, from neurodevelopmental to neurodegenerative disorders. However, how such crosstalk is fine-tuned and regulated remains object of intense investigation. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying neuro-immune interactions in the healthy brain will be instrumental to dissect -and possibly target- dysfunctional communications in disease.

In this FENS-Hertie Winter School, we will cover different topics focusing on the reciprocal interaction between neurons and microglia, the resident innate immune cells of the central nervous system, but also with other players such as infiltrating T cells and monocytes. We will review the relevance of this crosstalk in a variety of contexts, ranging from brain development and homeostasis to neurodegenerative disorders. This course will provide students with the latest insights into the biology on neuro-immune interaction, emphasizing the molecular and cellular mechanisms implicated.

The course is meant for PhD students and early-career postdocs with a neurobiological background and preferably some knowledge of the subject.

There will be significant time dedicated to discussions around posters and during the speaker’s talks, and social activities. We really aim at fostering interactions between the attendees, i.e. faculties and the PhD students and postdocs. Besides, Obergurl is a beautiful ski station in the Tyrol and there will be some time for skiing.

Last but not least, there are stipends available!

Application deadline is approaching: 6 September 2022.

All the information and the application form can be found at:

These schools are a real opportunity for PhD students and postdocs to get insight in their work and develop their network, thus I wish you can forward this message to PhD students and postdocs that could be interested, as well as to your colleagues in the field.


Glial Cell Club 26th Annual Meeting in Sète

The French Club of Glial Cells organizes its annual meeting from the 12th to the 14th of October 2022 in the city of Sète in the south of France (

Abstract Deadline July 18th, 2022
Registration Deadline July 29th, 2022

Click here to register !


Researchers – Single occupancy : 340€
Researchers – Double occupancy: 300€
Students / PostDoc – Single occupancy (Attestation from supervisor required): 220€
Students / PostDoc – Double occupancy (Attestation from supervisor required): 170e
Sponsors – Single occupancy: 300€
Speakers – free admission




Glial Social @ FENS

The Spanish, Portuguese and French Glial Cell Clubs invite you to the Glial Social to gather the European glia community during the FENS meeting. This event will take place at the Institut du Cerveau (ICM) in Paris, and is sponsored by Networkglia and the GLIA Journal.

The Glial Social will start at 7:30 pm on July 12th 2022. An interactive historical lecture on myelin will be given by Dr. Boris ZALC (ICM) and followed by glial interactions (games). There will be a buffet with organic, and veggie-friendly food, drinks, and music!

This Glial Social will be an excellent opportunity for networking and conviviality around glia science.

Do not wait to register here, as the number of attendees is limited !


Symposiums - From Development to Neurodegeneration: Roles of Microglia and Other Immune Brain Cells

12-13 May 2022

Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs

Collège de France, Paris




Congrès - Neurodevelopmental Disorders: From molecular mechanisms to social inclusion

May 18th-20th 2022

Bordeaux, France


Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of different conditions in which the development of the central nervous sytem is disturbed and that have longlife consequences. Such developmental brain dysfunction can manifest as neuropsychiatric problems (Autism Spectrum Disorders, schizophrenia, fragile-X syndrome, down syndrome, etc.) or impaired motor function, learning, languages or non-verbal communication. Numerous developmental processes can go awry, sometimes simultaneously, affecting the generation of the appropriate diversity of neural cell types, their migration to correct sites in the brain and the establishment of precise connectivity with target cells, leading to complex brain and sensory dysfunction(s) and neurological diseases.


In this 3 day-symposium, experts from different areas of developmental neuroscience, human neuropsychology, epidemiology, brain imaging and genetic & epigenetic as well as clinicians will address the current state of neurodevelopmental disorders research, and its challenges for human health. By integrating neurodevelopmental perspectives and basic, translational and clinical approaches, this meeting will promote discussions and exchanges, and a new understanding of the complexity of these pathologies.



Symposium du GDR à NeuroFrance 2021


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Webinaire d'Agnès Nadjar (Université de Bordeaux) intitulé "Effect of nutrients on microglial function"

This webinar will be held on  February 7th at 4pm (GMT)/5pm (CET).

more info here.




Microglia are brain macrophages eliciting multifaceted functions to maintain brain homeostasis across the lifetime and in all pathophysiological conditions. A new line of research suggests that metabolic plasticity plays a crucial role in regulating microglial function.  Hence, the nature of nutrients reaching the brain to feed microglia could control its immunosurveillance ability to maintain homeostasis within the brain. While, brain energy metabolism and substrate availability vary under physiology and disease states, how these variations influence microglial function and eventually affect neuronal control of behavior and physiology is relatively unknown.

In this talk, I will detail part of our work on the mechanisms regulating microglial metabolism and the consequences for microglial activity, when the fueling of the brain has changed during neurodevelopment or obesity.

GDR's First Annual Meeting in LYON

November 30th - December 1st

Médiathèque Paul Zech - Faculté de médecine Rockefeller

8 Avenue Rockefeller 69008 Lyon




Webinaire du 3 décembre 2020

Créé en 2020, le GDR a organisé un webinaire en date du 3 Décembre 2020 sponsorisé par Euatris :